Spinal Decompression: 3 Major Benefits of the Treatment

Spinal health has a significant impact on overall health. If the spine is improperly aligned, it can cause harm to the body. Spinal decompression helps create space within the spine and allows for proper, healthy vertebral alignment. 


The therapy provides natural treatment for patients with herniated, bulging, or degenerating discs. It repositions the spinal discs, moving them to the correct position. Here are the significant benefits of spinal decompression treatment. 



Spinal Decompression Therapy



Spinal decompression is an effective treatment for people who experience pain and discomfort in the lower back. Those who experience tingling, numbness, and other symptoms of improper alignment or nerve irritation can benefit from the natural treatment. 


This therapy provides relief without relying on prescription drugs or surgery with the associated side effects. The treatment helps improve spinal disc function. 



The Procedure



The traction treatment involves using a unique motorized table to relieve spinal pressure. It creates space for the spinal discs and promotes natural healing. 


When pressure is relieved or reduced, the disc can return to its correct position, stopping the pain. The treatment can help treat spinal arthritis, degenerated or herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and nerve root pressure. 



The Benefits 



There are several reasons why patients choose to get spinal decompression therapy. The significant benefits of the treatment include:


  • Highly effective and pain-free treatment.
  • It produces long-term results and can prevent the need for surgery.
  • It is noninvasive, with no recovery time and no need for medication.
  • Another benefit of the treatment is that it helps improve posture. Many back pain issues are related to poor posture, resulting in poor spinal alignment. Regular chiropractic treatments help improve overall posture. It is an ongoing process, and consistent treatments help ensure long-term relief. 



During Spinal Decompression Therapy



During the treatment, the patient will be comfortable lying on the table while fully clothed. Using the traction table or a motorized device, the chiropractor will gently stretch the spine. A harness on the traction table helps cradle the hips. 


It is attached to a section at the end of the table, near the feet. The gentle back-and-forth movement creates negative pressure to relieve lower back pain safely. Patients do not experience pain or discomfort during the therapy. 



Conditions It Treats 



There are several reasons why people seek spinal decompression therapy. The treatment is effective for treating various conditions, including:


  • Slipped or herniated discs, where a disc section pushes against a nerve.
  • Degenerative discs, where the cushion between the vertebrae begins to wear out.
  • Bulging discs characterized by bulging of the vertebrae cushion. 
  • Pinched nerves that cause pain, numbness, or tingling.
  • Spinal stenosis, or a narrowing of the spine. 
  • Sciatica or damage to the sciatic nerve. 
  • Scoliosis. 
  • This therapy can help reduce back, leg, and neck pain due to damaged spinal discs.


Do you experience back pain or a spine condition that restricts your movement or ability to perform certain activities? Visiting a chiropractor can help you get relief. 


For more on the benefits of spinal decompression treatment, visit Garmone Chiropractic. Our office is in Depew, New York. Call (716) 668-5400 to schedule an appointment today.

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