Extracorpal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is EMTT?

Extracorporal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT®) is a non-invasive, evidence-based procedure developed specifically for the treatment of degenerative joint disorders, acute and chronic pain, and sports injuries.

EMTT® opens up new possibilities in regeneration and rehabilitation. EMTT® uses high-energy magnetic pulses transmitted to the affected areas of the body. Due to the high oscillation frequency, EMTT® enables a high penetration depth and covers a large range of indications.

What disorders can be treated?

Health care professionals are using EMTT® to successfully treat musculoskeletal issues to include:

  • Degenerative joint disorders - Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis (knees, hips, hands, shoulders, elbows), herniated discs, spondylarthrosis

  • Pain treatment - (Chronic) pain, for example, back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathy

  • Sports injuries - (Chronic) inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overuse syndromes, infl ammation of the pubic bone

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What are the expected results?

Extracorporal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT®) uses high-energy magnetic pulses transmitted to the affected areas of the body. Many patients report a significant improvement in their symptoms--sometimes even freedom from pain--after just a few sessions.

Is it safe?

Yes. This FDA cleared technology was developed in Europe and is currently used around the globe. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering, and optimal quality have been built into each EMTT® device; and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed its safety and efficacy.

If performed by a qualified caregiver, Extracorporal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT®) has virtually no risks or side effects.

What is the duration of the treatment and how many treatments will I need?

Treatment sessions take approximately 15-20 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. Generally, a total of 8 treatment sessions, twice a week are necessary.

What will happen after the treatment procedure?

You will receive post-treatment instructions from your physician to follow during your recovery.

What are the possible side effects/ complications?

The non-invasive EMTT® treatment is largely risk-free if performed by a qualified medical professional who will be able to advise whether this treatment is right for you. Possible sideeffects may include discomfort during treatment or reddening.

What if I have a special health condition?

Patients with the following should not receive EMTT® Treatment:

  • Pacemakers and other sensitive electronic implants

  • Implants, if not safe for MRI

  • Pregnancy

How is the treatment performed?

EMTT® is a very comfortable outpatient procedure that can be performed right in your medical professional’s office. The handpiece is positioned over the area of pain while you remain fully clothed – direct skin contact is not necessary

Why consider non-invasive EMTT®?

EMTT® is an extremely effective approach to treating pain that comes without risks, complications and lengthy recovery time. EMTT® is performed in your physician’s office/clinic, does not require anesthesia, requires a minimal amount of time, and allows you the ability to immediately bear weight (i.e. walk), and return to normal activity within a few days of the procedure.

Benefits of EMTT®

  • Evidence-based

  • Non-invasive

  • Wide range of applications

  • Outpatient procedure

  • No need to remove clothing

  • No side effects

  • Easy to use

  • High level of patient comfort

  • Excellent complement to EPAT®/ESWT®

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